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It’s a Rhetorical Question – Do You Want More Customers?

by admin on December 10, 2010

Your website is only the beginning…

To illustrate this I will use an analogy. Let’s say you build a super fancy resort on a remote tropical island with all of the latest comforts for your guests…I mean, this place is the most beautiful place on the planet at an extremely attractive price, but…. you have no way of letting people know about it.

The old cliche’ , “If You Build It, They Will Come” doesn’t apply because you are on an island in the middle of the ocean and nobody knows about you and until you let people know about your resort it will remain empty. The same goes for a website…nobody is coming without some kind of consistent activity to let people and the search engines know where you are.

Online marketing is a marathon, not a sprint, especially when you are not paying for advertising in the traditional sense. You must be patient and persistent as the search engines want to see slow and consistent growth to establish if you are an authority in your vertical. So, you must provide what they want or you will be lost somewhere beyond the first page. If your website isn’t on the first page of the major search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) for your chosen keywords, then you may as well not have a website and don’t let anyone tell you different. People searching for what they want are impatient and lazy by in large. First page listings are a must!

To get on the first page of the major SE’s and staying there takes patience, skill, knowledge and execution. Unless you want to use paid advertising which can get VERY expensive, you must use various online marketing strategies and techniques. What the major search engines want is content and lots of it. But there are some rules written and some that are not.

If you put up too much content to fast you are a spammer. If you don’t add new content often enough, you are considered irrelevant. So you must have a perfect balance of content that is put up often enough that the search engines will love you. If you are not on the first page of the search engines for any of your content, then you may as well not even be online because nobody will ever see you.

I have a wide range of services that are priced for every budget. Look at it this way, any minimum wage employee is making around what my Titanium package costs per month and believe me when I say that you will not get any minimum wage employee to bring you in new business each and every month. Most of the time, you are lucky for them to show up and give good service to your customers, so what I offer is a drop in the bucket compared to the value I deliver.

Do you need new customers? Of course you want new customers, who doesn’t? The question is, how quickly and cost effectively can you get them. That is what you are here for…

Call Me @ 650-318-5000 To Setup An Appointment

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